The God Files
The God Files is an agent-themed NIV children’s Bible
It is aimed at helping 7–11 year olds to understand the Bible, enjoy it and then be launched into their own personal mission for God.
It’s a spin-off from my Amazing Agents of God book series in which I refer to the Bible as ‘The God Files’.
Everything from its look to the writing style is designed to present the Bible in such a way that children can learn from the agents of God they read about and from the missions on which God sent them. The content boxes and the colour insets empower the reader to make the Bible their friend and a book that they want to read, not have to read.
The God Files is published by Hodder Faith. For more information or to buy, click here.

Equipping a generation of children
When our children were growing up we endeavoured to help them have their own personal relationship with God and to discover for themselves the power of God’s word. Through the The God Files I want other children to experience what my kids enjoyed.
Charting a course through the Bible and applying it to their lives isn’t as easy as reading a storybook, so how to make the Bible appealing to kids?
Of course we could simply produce a Bible that was colourful, well designed and interspersed with interesting Bible stuff—then again, that material could potentially be a stand alone book.
But what if we produced a Bible which was like this but with the added element of helping children to actually dive headlong into the core Bible text so as to help them have a better understanding of what the Bible is about and how it relates to their life. And that’s what we’ve aimed for with The God Files, creating elements and content which encourage children to ‘go explore’.
In essence, a Bible version which inspires and equips a generation of children to fulfil Jesus’ command to ‘go and make disciples of all nations’.

The God Files is the most excellent children’s Bible I’ve seen in decades. I originally bought a copy for my two grandchildren, but I enjoyed it so much, I bought another copy for myself (I will be buying more!). Andy Robb’s brilliant illustrations, and fascinating fact additions to the full NIV text really bring the book to life, and the interactive sections encourage young and old, alike, to explore what a relationship with God might look like for them personally. It certainly blows the cobwebs away from what is often perceived as a dusty old tome irrelevant to today’s society. Highly recommended!
Just wanted to say a big thank you for the Bible (The God Files). [My daughter] has read so much of it and loves doing the ‘code cracking’—we often now in fact have to talk to each other via codes.
Bought The God Files for my grandson for Christmas. He loves decoding the messages and verses in the Bible. The adults enjoy it as well!
The cover of The God Files is fun and engaging and the notes inside are fun and very readable. The notes include great introductions to each book of the Bible, plus other information and jokes! Scattered throughout are Agent Profiles, giving a quick overview of lots of Bible characters, as well as thought provoking questions for thinking and chatting about. I’d recommend this as an option to consider when looking for a full Bible for a child who is a confident reader as the text is normal adult Bible size.