Dear friends
A warm welcome to my world and that of my charge, St Cliff’s.
I fear that I would not be introducing myself to you had it nor been for my recent annual performance review with the bishop. Having spent the first ten minutes in silence whilst he painstakingly perused St Cliff’s less-than-satisfactory attendance figures, the bishop then proceeded to question my ability to fulfil my vicarious (or should I say, precarious) duties.
I will confess that his concerns were not without cause.
Not only have I lost a number of my congregation of late to pastures new but I have probably been somewhat remiss when it comes caring for my flock and reaching the lost.
I fear that the passion for my vicarious vocation has somewhat lost its lustre over time, the daily demands having taken their toll.
The bishop has given me twelve months to remedy this parlous situation or face the prospect of being transferred to another parish.
But my good lady wife has come to the rescue and has hit upon a plan.
She has pointed out that the bishop didn’t specify that it had to be my congregation of St Cliff’s which had to grow, so why not start an ‘online congregation’.
With the potential of the Worldwide Super Highway to grow a ‘followship’ quickly (I’m sure I have heard the word ‘viral’ used in this respect) who knows how big my flock might become.
So, with the clock ticking, and in a bid to attract an audience, I am launching my very own blog in which I will be opening the doors of St Cliff’s (virtually) to all and sundry to give a month by month window into my world.
Without further ado, let the twelve month countdown commence!
Onward and upward