To mark the publication of the third title in The Supernaturals series I wanted to give some added insight into why I’ve produced these children’s books. This isn’t the first occasion I’ve written about The Supernaturals on my blog but it’s time for a different angle.
The Supernaturals and the Divine Downloads majors on the spiritual gifts of wisdom and discernment and weaves the narrative around these ‘superpowers’, as I refer to them in the books. But I’ve also included a sub story where the main character, Mangala, finds herself in a tricky situation in which she has to make a decision about whether to see a film based on witches and wizards. By employing the gifts of both wisdom and discernment she manages to release herself from doing something she doesn’t want to do.

The reason I dropped this element into the story is because witchcraft as entertainment has not only become entrenched in society but sadly within the church as well. I find it concerning that the supernatural life of God, which I feature in these books, is not normative in many Christian households, yet books about the supernatural power of witches and wizards are.
One reason often mentioned for having these books is because kids absolutely love them, and encouraging children to read is good, right? It is, but not at the expense of exposing our children to occult and ungodly practices and powers.
The Bible is explicit with regard to witchcraft. Here are a few examples…
Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft. Deuteronomy 18:10
I will destroy your witchcraft and you will no longer cast spells. Micah 5:12
The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft. Galatians 5:19-20
Put simply, witchcraft is tapping into Satan’s power, be that through sorcery, divination or any other occult practices. Anything of Satan that we partner with is dangerous whether we think it harmless fun or not. Let’s be clear – he recognises a welcome mat when he sees one! Embracing witchcraft – whatever our motive – opens up a door to Satan into hearts and homes.
Can I just say that my reason for writing this isn’t to berate anyone who has embraced Harry Potter et al, rather to help you get your household free from Satan’s influence and experience the life-giving power of the Holy Spirit instead.
Before becoming a Christian, I was fascinated by spiritualism and other occult practices. I understand the lure of these things. Even after I was saved, I still had to make some decisions regarding closing the door on all things dark and demonic.
Around this time, I’d been commissioned as a cartoonist to illustrate a full-page ad for Woolworth’s Pick ‘n’ Mix that was going to appear in children’s comics. It had a Halloween theme, and all the sweets reflected this. I was a new believer but as I began work on the commission I became increasingly convicted that this was wrong. My lack of Christian maturity meant that I completed the job rather than stop doing it. I felt so guilty afterwards that I gave the sizeable payment I’d received away. I’m not sure this cut it with God – my later repentance I know did!
My encouragement to any reading this blog who are trying to run their faith alongside the things I’ve been talking about would be to do what I did.
Repent of disobeying scripture by entertaining witchcraft and ridding your home of everything to do with it. That’s precisely what we read about in Acts 19:19.
A number who had practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly.
Next, welcome the fullness of the Holy Spirit to come in with his purity and power.
Having aligned your life in obedience to God, and closed the door to Satan, you will know a radical change in your life. In that inevitability children will be involved you will need to prayerfully take them through this process with you.
When our children were young, we made the mistake of allowing our son to engage with something we now know to be rooted in the occult – but we didn’t then. Not only did we seek God’s forgiveness for doing so but we also later apologised to our son for this. As it happens, the Holy Spirit had personally convicted him that what he was doing was erroneous – so, do this journey with your children and expect God to honour your good choices. He wants the best for your family.
I recognise that this might not be an overnight process for your children, but it can be for you as a parent. You have authority in your household and calling time on witchcraft begins as a spiritual decision that Satan and his dark arts are no longer welcome in your home. As you invite the Holy Spirit to fill the vacuum pray that your children will respond favourably to your godly decisions.
Another practical thing would be to help your children find books which have the power of the Holy Spirit threaded through them or that have godly content. Likewise, apply these principles to films and other forms of media.
In closing, I hope you feel challenged, not chastened by this blog.
God calls us to obedience to him because he wants the best for us.
Being a holy people involves distancing ourselves from ungodly practices, but its fruit is that we enjoy the fullness of God each and every day.
In Deuteronomy 30:19 God beseeched the Israelites to choose life. And to us he does also.